Monday, October 09, 2006

Who is Responsible?

I came across an article recently that from an Indianapolis newspaper about a school punishing students for what they publish on the web, even if it occurs at home. The school officials in favor of this punishment, which has included days of OSS, say that students need to learn that some things are not acceptable anywhere, not even on MySpace from home. The students are arguing back that these new rules are imposing on their constitutional rights for freedom of speech.

I think that the school has to draw the line somewhere. Parents need to take over at some point, and if the school is butting in outside of school, when are the parents called on to take some responsibility toward their children? Parents need to be aware of these sites like MySpace so that they can keep an eye on what their children are writing and who they are communicating with. Perhaps the schools should spend more time educating parents instead of enforcing rules that apply to out-of-school postings.

Check out the article:


Anonymous said...

Really interesting Danielle. Great topic for us to talk about in class...thanks! K

natdat said...

Hmmm, I know that I wouldn't want any of my past teachers deciding what I could and couldn't write outside of school. Schools definitely need to step back...