Monday, October 02, 2006

Project Idea

I haven't forgotten that we were to post ideas for our projects this week. It's just that I am having a hard time coming up with a project that will be worthwhile and that won't totally stress me out because I will be working alone with technology that I am not 100% comfortable with. I was toying with the idea of creating an interactive story guide like the Holocaust one in Richardson's book on pg. 69. However, I have no confidence when it comes to wikis. Sure I can post an entry, but to add images and links to create an interwoven story with countless variations based on which choices are made seems way too intimidating.

So, I was thinking that I might create a unit that incorporates technology in several aspects. I have to hand in my portfolio in November, and I need to include a middle school unit plan. I really didn't get the opportunity to create a unit plan with my middle school placement, so if I could kill two birds with one stone, that would be great. I was given one week to teach poetry to 7th graders, and one week did not do it any justice. I could have taught poetry for the whole time I was there. I would like to create a unit on poetry that I could possibly use when I get a job. These are just ideas right now, but I was thinking of incorporating flickr with pictures they could write poetry about, I could use blogs as a way for them to communicate ideas and reflections about poetry. . . These are very rough ideas, as I have been toying with many possibilities for this project.

What do you think? Boring? Feasible? Suggestions? Questions?


Sarah said...

Integrating technology into a poetry unit sounds great. There are lots of online poetry sites, contests, and probably some way of getting podcasts of poetry slams. Your class could create its own Def Poetry Jam. Maybe this would be in iMovie? I'm not really sure about the best application for something like that. Also, you could go both directions with using an image to create poetry. For example, after reading a poem, students could generate an image or combine images with audio and a voice recording of their poem to convey the mood (enhanced podcast, anyone?). Hope this helps.
If you are interested, I have tons of traditional poetry unit materials that you could adapt into something that's more technologically savvy. Let me know.

Anonymous said...

Danielle, I think this can be a terrific project. I would encourage you to experiment with some hyper-text as well. Let me get out a book I have with a chapter that you might find interesting. It was a book we used in 307 last fall. Don't be afraid of the technology. You are doing wonderfully with it. And remember, this is all experimentation! Karen

Dawn Larson said...

Hi Danielle,

Karen suggested that we get together to work on our projects together. I really want to use tech with poetry, Flash Poetry (animated), is the idea I want to work with, so it would be great to tag-team this idea together!

Let me know!
