Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Podcast Correction

I was pleased that the audio on my podcast can be heard much better than what I was expecting since it seemed to be muted when I was creating it. However, there is an error in it that I didn't catch until watching it in iTunes. The big brown monster is from Germany, not Palestine. I didn't catch that I said Palestine twice. . . Oops.

Other than that small error and some other timing issues I would correct if I had more time and access to a Mac, I am overall happy with the end result. I am certainly happy to know how to make an enhanced podcast. The possibilities are endless with this medium of communication. It was a learning process, and it's nice to be on this end of it looking back at the experience.

1 comment:

Charm said...


I loved your podcast. I didn't have any trouble hearing you...which I knew you were concerned about. Your personal interest in the topic tied well with issues in the 'Flat World.' The images and song were well chosen and greatly supported your topic. I think that many of us are very concerned about how well our children (biological or just students) are going to fare in this everchanging environment. Good job!

See you later,