Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thank you James!

After visiting James's blog and reading about his "21st century blog," I just had to try the feed thing. I had read about it in Will's book, but I had no plans of actually trying it. But after James commented on how easy and convenient it is, I had to try it. Thank you James. Now it's so easy to see what new information is posted out there without wasting time going to each blog. This new technology stuff is too cool!!!


Anonymous said...

Danielle, did you set up an RSS? Is it accessible from your blog? KES

Danielle said...

Yep, I set up an RSS, and it is so convenient. When you sign up on bloglines, you also get to choose from other categories that you may be interested in, and they let you know when there are new postings to those sites (or any site you want)!

James said...

You're welcome :)
