Monday, September 25, 2006

Paper Vs. Computer

After reading several blogs regarding the difficulty of blogging and the course wiki, I now know I am not alone. I do think, however, that I know why I have such a hard time. I like to write everything out on paper. My thought process is not as smooth and it certainly doesn't flow as well if I am typing my first draft instead of writing it on paper. However, with blogs and wikis, it seems such a waste of time to sit down at my desk and write what I want to say on paper, then come to my computer and type the same things here. This is definitely a sign that I am a digital immigrant.

When I was subbing the other day, the seniors were working on brainstorming ideas to put into their college essays. Several of the students had a hard time writing what they wanted to say. They said that it is hard to think on paper and that they prefer to type on the computer. This opened my eyes to how removed I really am from these digital natives!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Danielle, I can identify. I remember vividly those transition years when I had to write my thoughts out on yellow lined paper before going to the computer. Now that seems so odd. You're right--our digital accents are showing.