Sunday, October 22, 2006

The more information I read about using blogs in the classroom, the more I am convinced that they are a must! I love the idea of them creating an authentic audience. Students will be much more engaged in and motivated to post comments of quality if they know their peers will be reading what they have to say. What a great way to ask provocative questions and get genuine responses!

Update on iMovie project: I have all of my footage (and a lot more) taped. My camera is due tomorrow, so I need to return that. I will need to figure out how to get the footage from my tape to my CD with the needed cable. I have a lot of tweaking to do to my footage with the order of things, and I hope that won't cause me huge problems. I didn't do much talking during filming, so it will be mostly voice-over.

All the ideas I have heard lately about the rest of your ideas sound great! I can't wait to watch all of your movies. I am sure they will all be as original and unique as the podcasts!


KatieL said...


You may have told me before but, what's your movie about? I'm excited to see everyone's as well...see you tomorrow!

ChrissyEmerson said...

Danielle, I did get to see some of your footage. The waterfalls look beautiful and I can't wait to see the final project! I'm still impressed about that part when you can drive through the river...too cool; I wanna go!