Monday, October 16, 2006

iMovie Question

I checked out a camera and microphone today from the library, and I bought the mini DV and DVD-R CD's the other day. I have to have the camera back by next Monday and there are no renewals, so I am wondering how I am going to download my movie to the Macs in class. Is it enough to have the movie on the tape or do I need the camera in class? If I do need the camera in class, what am I supposed to do if someone has a camera reserved so I can't check it out again?


Alex Reid said...

Good question. You can transfer your movie from the camera into iMovie on the Macs in the library and then save your iMovie file to the DVD-R.

It's also possible that you put your mini-DV tape into someone else's camera and the transfer it.

Mrs. Brenneck said...

Danielle, if need be, I have a camera and would be willing to help out. I do have to figure out how to use it though!

KatieL said...

Danielle- If we all work together, we'll be able to figure this stuff out. My friend Robin owns a video camera and I may ask her to borrow it. I too feel like Jen G. and I might need ours longer than the prescribed library allowance.